The Marx Brothers quickly rose to become the undisputed kings of vaudeville and Broadway They went on to craft an equally successful, almost perfectly formed body of madcap movies Unfathomable, …
Matthew Coniam

Matthew Coniam
I got a Super-8 projector when I was eight and a Betamax video recorder when I was eleven. I fell in love with Universal horror films in the summer of 1983 and the Marx Brothers the following Christmas. In 1984 I bought my first Halliwell's Film Guide and met the man himself. That brings us more or less up to date. I have written for numerous books, magazines, journals and websites, and I'm currently working on several books in addition to those currently available which include The Annotated Marx Brothers (2015) and That's Me, Groucho! (2016). Lastly, I'm the founder of the Marx Brothers Weekend Festival of Britain!