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If you need to discuss something personal and definitely not for public consumption, leave a message via one of the above and I’ll email you if necessary. But please be considerate: I’m not an AI chatbot and am regularly overwhelmed with queries whose answers can be found via a simple site search or are better asked in article comments.
Citations and references
I’m very flattered Brenton Film receives so many mentions in academic papers, books, documentaries, etc. But as almost everything here is a work in progress, in the case of multi-part studies please always cite the lead article only. For instance, with the Nosferatu: History and Home Video Guide, Alfred Hitchcock Collectors Guide or even Alfred Hitchcock Collectors Guide: The 39 Steps (1935), cite these linked sections only, not any of the subsequent subsections appended Part 2, 3, 4, etc. This is because while the URLs remain constant, the material organised under them is subject to movement and change as they’re regularly updated, rewritten and expanded. For instance, the now book-length Nosferatu articles, currently numbering 15 and counting, started out as a single post when reviewing the BFI Blu-ray! No information ever actually disappears and I always ensure all sections are easily navigable from the lead article. Much appreciated.
A note to would-be plagiarists: Most of the information on this site is the result of original research and doesn’t exist anywhere else. It’s given freely for informative purposes but if copied extensively without attribution, offenders will be publicly outed! Seriously.