Silent Film Musicians Directory, Part 2

by Brent Reid

The Americas

  • The most comprehensive worldwide listing of musicians and composers ever published
  • Find favourite accompanists or the right artist for your screening or scoring project
  • There are currently around 400 entries of active musicians – and counting
  • The Hall of Fame section features some notable musicians of the past

Silent Film Musicians Directory, Part 1: Rest of the world

Waltz Dream (1938) by Louis Icart

Waltz Dream (1938) by Louis Icart (1888–1950)

Following on from Part 1, this section covers musicians based in the Americas. It’s often said that music is half the film, and this is especially true of silents. Whether it be a restored DVD, Blu-ray, DCP or an actual print, it’s vitally important that all silent films have appropriate, good quality musical accompaniment. This is a listing of most of the best musicians performing in the world today. Although many regularly play internationally, they are categorised by their main countries of residence and listed alphabetically by their full names. For example, both the Ragtime Skedaddlers and Robert Israel are under ‘R’. If you have any suggestions for musicians or links not listed, let me know.

Musicians and promoters are welcome to tag or message me on social media for sharing events.


Woman sitting on a nightclub piano, 1920s


Kabusacki Band: website, blog, Facebook, Twitter


Anselmo Mancini: website, Facebook, YouTube, SoundCloud


Andrew Downing: website, YouTube

Clark Wilson: website, ATOSAug 2011 article

Del Bel: website, Facebook, Twitter

Fern Lindzon: website, blogFacebook, Twitter, YouTube

Gabriel Thibaudeau (composer): website, Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo

Hilotrons: website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo

Jordan Klapman: website, Facebook, Twitter

Laura Silberberg: website, Twitter, Canadian Music Centre

Robert Bruce (composer): website, Facebook, YouTube

Silent Film Ensemble: Facebook, Twitter, BandCampVimeo

VOC Silent Film Harmonic: Facebook, Jan 2013 article, SoundFM interview seriesVimeo

William O’Meara: website, YouTube


Alexander Rannie: website, IMDbYouTube

Alicia Svigals: website, website #2Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo, Vimeo #2

Alloy Orchestra: website, Facebook, Facebook groupTwitterWikipediaYouTube, Vimeo

Andrew Alden Ensemble: website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube

Andrew Rogers: websiteATOS

Anna Coogan: website, FacebookTwitter, Wikipedia, March 2016 articleMarch 2016 interview, BandCamp, YouTube

Greta Garbo playing a ukulele in Torrent (1926)

Greta Garbo in Torrent (1926), scored on the only official DVD (Warner region 0, 2011) by Arthur Barrow

Arthur Barrow: website, Wikipedia

Ben Model: website, blog/podcast, altscore site (archived, Oct 2018 article), Facebook, Twitter, IMDbYouTube, Vimeopodcast; interviews: Oct 2019 #1 | #2, Jan 2020

Berklee Silent Film Orchestra: Facebook, YouTubeYouTube #2, YouTube #3, podcasts: March and April 2012, June 2014

Bernie Anderson: website, FacebookATOS, Wikipedia, Jan 2018 article, YouTube

Bill Rowland: website, ATOS, Aug 2014 interview, YouTube

Biograph Players: websiteYouTube

Blaine Gale: ATOS, LinkedIn; articles: Jul 2004, May 2007, Feb 2009, Oct 2010, May 2019; YouTube

Bob Salisbury: ATOS, Sept 2014 articleYouTube

BQE Project: website, Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo

Brian Benison (composer): website, website #2, TwitterIMDb, Vimeo

Bruce Loeb: website, YouTube

Carl Hackert: ATOS

Christopher Caliendo: website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube

Christian Elliott: website, ATOS, Facebook, Feb 2007 interview, YouTube

Clark Wilson: website, May 2013 interview, YouTube

Cliff Retallick: blog, Twitter, YouTube

Cloud Chamber Orchestra: Robby Aceto pageArtistTroveFacebook, Jan 2014 article, Jan 2014 reviewYouTubeVimeoSoundCloud

Club Foot Orchestra: website, FacebookWikipedia, Nov 2010 interview, YouTube, Vimeo

Daron Hagen (composer): website

Dave Calendine: website, ATOS

Dean Cook: ATOS

David Drazin: website, 2003 article, Feb 2014 interview, YouTube, YouTube #2

Dean Mora: website, FacebookSilent Cinema Society, Sept 1992 | 2000s interview, YouTubeYouTube #2, Vimeo

Dennis James: ATOSWikipedia, 2009 Nitrateville thread, March 2015 interview, YouTube, YouTube #2

Dennis Scott: AtosClassical Connect, Facebook, YouTube

Devil Music Ensemble: website (archived), FacebookFree Music ArchiveBandCamp, YouTube

Don Kinnier: ATOS, GSTOS, Jan 2009 article

Donald Sosin and Joanna Seaton: website, blog, Facebook, Twitter, Nov 2013 interview, YouTubeYouTube #2, YouTube #3Vimeo

Donnie Rankin: website, March 2010 article

Don Springer: websiteATOS

Ensamble Cine Mudo: website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube

Eric Beheim: IMDb, Old Time Radio, March 2001 article, YouTube

Famous Players Orchestra: website, Facebook, Twitter, TumblrInstagramYouTube, YouTube #2

Flushing Remonstrance: website, Facebook, InstagramYouTubeVimeo

Franklin Stöver (composer): VersusMedia, Musicalics, YouTube

Frederick Hodges: website, YouTube

Gabriela Montero: website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube

Gary Lucas: website, TwitterWikipedia, YouTube, Vimeo

Graham Reynolds: website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Wikipedia, IMDb, BandCamp, SoundCloud, YouTube, YouTube #2, Aug 2017, Sep 2020/#2 interviews

Hesperus: website, Facebook, YouTube

Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra: website, blog, Facebook, Twitter

Invincible Czars: website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud

Ivy Leaf Orchestra: website, Facebook, YouTube

Jack Curtis Dubowsky Ensemble: website, De Stijl Music, WikipediaFacebook, Twitter, Instagram, BandCampYouTube, Sep 2009, March 2015, August 2015, April 2017/#2, Jan 2019, Oct 2022 interviews

Jay Warren aka Dennis Wolkowicz: website, YouTube

Jeff Rapsis: blog, Twitter, Jan 2014 interview, YouTube, Vimeo

Jeffrey Silverman (composer): website, IMDb, YouTube, YouTube #2

Jeff Weiler: ARTRA Artists, website, Facebook

Jelani Eddington: website, ATOS, YouTube

Jim Ford: ATOSMay | Sept | Dec 1722, 24, 2015 interviews

Jim Riggs: Albany UniversityJune 2000 | Dec 2014 article, YouTube, YouTube #2

John Scott (composer): website, Wikipedia, IMDb

Jonathan Allentoff (composer): website, Facebook, March 2015 interviewYouTube, Vimeo

Jon Mirsalis: biographyIMDb, July 2015 article, May 2023 interview, YouTube

Joseph Turrin (composer): website, Facebook, Wikipedia

Juan Cardona, Jr.: ATOSYouTube

Judy Rosenberg: website, Vimeo

Keith Taylor: website, CD BabyYouTube

Ken Double: website

Kenosha Kid: website, Facebook, Twitter, BandCamp, YouTube

Lance Luce: website, ATOS

Makia Matsumura: website, Twitter

Mark Andersen: ATOS, PSTOS

Mark Herman: website, ATOS, Facebook, Twitter, July 2012 article

Maria Newman (composer): website, Facebook, Wikipedia, YouTube

Marta Waterman: website

Michael Holmes: OrganFax

Michael Mortilla: website, Twitter, Sept 2009 interview, YouTube

Miles & Karina: website, Facebook, YouTube, Oct 2019 article (archived) | Dave Keenan

Modern Robot: website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo

Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra: website, Nov 2018 interview, YouTube, YouTube #2

Rodney Sauer: website, Masterclass Aug 2020

Morricone Youth: website, Facebook, TwitterWikipedia, YouTube, YouTube #2, Vimeo, Vimeo #2, BandCamp, SoundCloud

Nathan Avakian: website, ATOS, TTOS, May 2010 articleYouTube, YouTube #2SoundCloud

Not So Silent Cinema: website, Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo

Paragon Ragtime Orchestra: website, Facebook, YouTube

Patrick Sheehan: ATOS

Paul Buscarello aka Fauxdephone: Facebook, Dec 2013Feb 2015 interviews, Feb 2016 article, BandCampYouTube, YouTube #2

Paul Mercer: website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube

Peacherine Ragtime Society Orchestra: website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTubeYouTube #2

Peter Krasinksi: website, Jan 2014 interview, YouTube, YouTube #2

Philip Carli: websiteFeb 2015 interview, YouTubeVimeo

Plastik Factory: website, Facebook, YouTube, SoundCloud

Quarkestra: website, YouTube

Ragtime Skedaddlers: Facebook, BandCamp

Rats & People Motion Picture Orchestra: website (archived), Facebook, TumblrWikipediaYouTube, BandCampSoundCloud

Reel Orchestrette: website, YouTube, Vimeo

Reese Project: website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTubeYouTube #2

Richard Einhorn: website, Facebook, Wikipedia, March 2015 interview, YouTube

Robert Edwards: GigMasters

Robert Israel (composer): website, YouTubeYouTube #2, Vimeo

Rob Richards: ATOS, FacebookJuly 2006 | June 2014 article

Ron Carter: ATOS, Earl Smith Strand Theatre, YouTube

Ron Rhode: website, ATOS, Sierra Chapter ATOSSilent Sundays

RPM Orchestra: blog, FacebookWikipedia, YouTube, Vimeo, Bandcamp, March 2018 | Jan 2020 interview

San Francisco Chamber Orchestra: website, Facebook, TwitterWikipedia, YouTube

Scott Foppiano: ATOS

SEMYO (Southeastern Minnesota Youth Orchestras): website, Facebook

Shauna Pickett-Gordon: website, Aug 2014 article, YouTube

Silent Orchestra: website, Facebook, Twitter

Snark Ensemble: website, Jan 2013 interview (p.160), 2009 interviewYouTube, YouTube #2, YouTube #3

Steven Ball: website, ATOSJuly 2005 interview, April 2015 | Sept 2015 article, YouTubeYouTube #2

Steve Sterner: website, Film Forum, Jan 2005/July 2013 article, July 1999/July 1999/June 2016/July 2018/Dec 2023 interview, short

Terry Jordan: ATOS, Jan 2009 article

Timothy Brock (composer): website, Facebook, Wikipedia, YouTube, Vimeo | interviews: Nov 2009 (French and German), May 2016, June 2019

Timothy Howard: website, Twitter, YouTube

Tim Schramm: websiteATOS, TheatreOrgans

Todd Wilson: Karen McFarlane Artists Inc., Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland Institute of MusicWikipedia, Oct 2009 interview (PDF), YouTube

Tom Helms: Aldersgate UMCApril 2015 | Sept 2015 article, YouTube

Tommy Stark: ATOS

Tom Peters: website, UdemyBCCMTwitter, May 2010 interview, April 2013 reviewYouTube, YouTube #2SoundCloud

Vivek Maddala (composer): websiteWikipediaIMDbYouTube

William Perry: website, Wikipedia, IMDbJune 2014 interviewYouTube, YouTube #2

WTAMU (West Texas A&M University) Symphony Orchestra: website, Facebook, YouTube

Yakov Gubanov: website, Facebook, Sept 2007 articleVimeo

Hall of Fame

Though they’re no longer with us, there are some notable musicians, many of whom actually played during the silent era, who deserve an honourable mention.

“Silent movies were never really silent. There was always a piano in the pit, an organ, a little combo or even a symphony orchestra, describing in musical terms the action on the screen. That image up there, and your reaction to it, is tied together by the music. It creates a sort of a happening, and if the music were to stop you’d miss it. It’s my job to interpret, underscore and punctuate the movie without gettin’ in the way. And the reason I play an overture before the movie is that after the picture starts and you’ve forgotten I’m here, I want you all to know how hard I’ll be workin’!” – Gaylord Carter’s regular introduction

He’s not wrong: many silents musicians have told me the highest compliment they can be paid is for an audience to say to them after a screening, “I completely forgot you were there!”

Legendary Theatre Organists (1987) presented by Gaylord Carter


Aljoscha Zimmermann (1944–2009): website, Wikipedia, IMDb, StummfilmKonzerte bio, YouTube, When Silence Sings (2011) documentary, trailer, trailer #2

Peter Schirmann (1935–2021): website bio and résumé, WikipediaIMDbNosferatu score

Steven Garling (1968–2008): website, Parocktikum Wikiobituary, K-Netz forum tribute

Willy Sommerfeld (1904–2007): website, Die Welt obituary, Wikipedia, records on AmazonYouTube


Jordi Sabatés (1948–2022): website, Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, YT tribute


Arthur Dulay (1891–1971): website, BFI, IMDb, records on Amazon

Carl Davis (1936–2023): website, Facebook, TwitterWikipediaIMDb, YouTube, Vimeo | interview April 2010, Feb 2011, March 2011, Oct 2016

Napoléon (1927) scored by Carl Davis

Ena Baga (1906–2004): The Stage | Telegraph obituary, Wikipedia, IMDbFindaGraverecords on AmazonYouTube

Florence De Jong (1894–1990): Wikipedia, IMDbBritish Pathé short (1939), BBC R4 Desert Island Discs (1973)

Reginald Foort (1893–1980): Wikipedia, FindaGrave78rpm discographyThe Cinema Organ (1932) extract, books and records on Amazon, YouTubeYouTube #2, BBC R4 Desert Island Discs (1971)


Arthur Kleiner (1903–1980): Wikipedia, Minnesota University: AK Silent Movie Music Collection | CV | Inventory | Scores | Recordings, Music for Silent Comedies (196?) LP, Musical Moods from the Silent Films (196?) LP, Hollywood’s Musical Moods (1973) | description

Bob Mitchell (1912–2009): LA Times | Telegraph obituary, Wikipedia, IMDb, FindaGraveMitchell ChoirboysDimitri Tiomkin collaborationsYouTube, Vimeo

Bob Vaughn (1911–2002): SFGAT | Independent obituary, 2002 alt.movies.silent thread

Ernö Rapée (1891–1945, composer): WikipediaIMDb, SFS&MA sheet music

Gaylord Carter (1905–2000): GuardianLA Times obituary, WikipediaIMDbFindaGraveThe Million Dollar Life of Gaylord Carter (1995), records on AmazonYouTube, YouTube #2, YouTube #3, YouTube #4

Helen Anderson Crawford (1899–1943): FindaGraveYouTube

Jesse Crawford (1895–1962): Wikipedia, IMDb, TheatreOrgans, VirtualOrgans, FindaGrave, JC Papers at AOIAL, JC Letters at ATOSThe JC Organ Courses: Elementary Course (1949), JC: Poet of the Organ; Wizard of the Mighty Wurlitzer (1974), 1986 author letter, books and records on AmazonYouTube

John Muri (1906–2001): Facebook group, Silents are Golden | CATO obituary, 2006 Piano World forum, YouTube

J.S. Zamecnik (1872–1953, composer): WikipediaIMDbGoldmark biographyMont Alto biographyRag Piano biography, SF bookshelf June 1998, SFS&MA sheet musicMIDI files, Sam Fox Moving Picture Music (1913)

Lee Erwin (1908–2000): FacebookNY Times obituary, AllMusic bio, Huntsville History, LE Collection at Florida State University, Discogsrecords and sheet music on Amazon, An American Organist in Paris: The Letters of Lee Orville Erwin, 1930-1931, YouTube, YouTube #2, Sept 2000 npr tribute

Louis “Lou” McMahon (?–2016): IMDb, Grapevine Video scores | #2Captain Celluloid vs. the Film Pirates (1966): Grapevine DVD | Sinister DVD/DV, forum thread

Ray Brubacher (1940–2014): Frederick News-Post | At the Matinée obituary, Thanhouser, Dec 1990 Associated Press | Oct 2005 Washington Times | Feb 2011 Gazette article, The Last One: The Mighty Wurlitzer Organ (2010) documentary

Rosa Rio (1902–2010): Tampa Bay Times | Washington Post obituary, ATOS, Wikipedia, Feb 1971 | July 2006 interview, records, videos and sheet music on AmazonYouTube

Stuart Oderman (1940–2017): April 2008 | Jan 2009 | Feb 2009 article, Oct 2011 interviewbooks on Amazon, The Lumière Brothers’ First Films (1996) documentary

Greta Garbo playing a piano in Torrent (1926)

Greta Garbo in Torrent (1926), scored on the only official DVD (Warner region 0, 2011) by Arthur Barrow

Silent Film Musicians Directory, Part 1: Rest of the world

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