War effort: the Master of Suspense fights the fascists Another Hitchcock Wrong Man in a double chase Falsely accused goes on run to find real criminal North by Northeast: crossing …
Charlie Chaplin
Production continued A band of dastardly wreckers face off against their most determined adversary yet: a teenage girl Leslie Banks, hero of The Man Who Knew Too Much, switches sides to …
Production The storyline of Daphne du Maurier’s first bestseller was hacked about but its spirit remains There have been scores of adaptations over the years but the Master’s was one …
The Trouble with Hitchcock: did his onscreen mistreatment of women extend to real life? His iconic films had femmes fatale and icy blondes, constantly thrown in danger’s path Not just Tippi …
A legend begins: the Master of Suspense was born 120 years ago today Probably the most recognised and highly regarded director in history One of the most dissected, discussed and documented …
Every port tells a different story but fairy tales can turn to nightmares At first glance, a marvellously inventive, lighthearted little comedy But in Hitch’s hands it’s complex, multi-layered and surprisingly …
The Master of Suspense turns in a technical tour de force in this prize winning tale Danish actor Carl Brisson, star of two Hitchcocks, suffers a hit in love in both …
Infamous nitrate era film collector and one of its most contentious figures He lied, stole and bullied his way into ownership of a vast archive of rarities Retained an army of …
Not a murder in sight, but it’s still one of the darkest films in the Master’s canon The Wrong Boy: star of The Lodger returns to suffer again as the …
When Alfred met François: iconic directors joined forces for renowned series of interviews Far-ranging conversations that spawned multimedia franchise enduring to the present day The most significant spin-offs influenced generations of fans, filmmakers and scholars …